
MIKES_TREE displays a list of groups and/or libraries in a user and allows actions to be performed on selected groups and/or libraries, including executing MIKES_FILE_MANAGER on them. The list can be paged forwards and backwards. The START_FROM, STOP_AFTER, FILEMASK and TARGET parameters are not used by MTREE itself, but are passed to MFM whenever that is called. MTREE can also call itself to descend through a group structure.


@literal@NAME:= "",
@literal@LIBRARIES:= "Y",
@literal@GROUPS:= "Y",
@literal@STARTFROM:= "",
@literal@STOPAFTER:= "",
@literal@FILEMASK:= "",
@literal@SIZE:= "",
@literal@AGE:= "",
@literal@TARGET:= "",
@literal@ACTION:= "",
@literal@AUTO_PAGE:= "Y",
@response@RESPONSE:= RESULT)

Parameter details

Keyword Meaning Default
NAME Identifies a group to be processed

= groupname

The current user will be processed
LIBRARIES Specifies whether libraries are to be shown in the list

= Y, YES
libraries are to be shown in the list

= N, NO
libraries are not to be shown in the list

GROUPS Specifies whether groups are to be shown in the list

= Y, YES
groups are to be shown in the list

= N, NO
groups are not to be shown in the list

STARTFROM Indicates where the MFM display is to start

= filename or alphanumeric string

STOPAFTER Indicates where the MFM display is to stop

= filename or alphanumeric string

FILEMASK Indicates a string or strings which identify files to be selected in MFM

= alphanumeric string

SIZE Indicates the size or range of sizes of files to be selected in MFM

= alphanumeric string

All files are displayed
AGE Indicates the age or range of ages of files to be selected in MFM

= alphanumeric string

All files are displayed
TARGET The name of the object which is the target of Copy actions (and user-defined actions, see below) in MFM

= group_name
= library_name

ACTION Defines a command which can be invoked by the 'A' action in MFM.

= command_line

AUTO_PAGE Defines whether the display will page automatically or must specifically be paged through using the 'F' command.

= Y display will be automatically paged
= N display will be manually paged

This may be switched while in MFM (Autopage action)

Display pages automatically
RESPONSE Response code variable RESULT

Group/library actions:

When showing selected groups/libraries

Ddisplay group or library details
Hdisplay help screen
Llist contents of group or library
Mexecute MFM on group or library
Qquery (list contents, then check if group or library is to be deleted)
Texecute MTREE on group
Xmark group or library for deletion

When showing groups or libraries marked for deletion

Ddisplay group or library details
Hdisplay help screen
Llist contents of group or library
Uunmark group or library for deletion

Page actions:

Nnext page
Pprevious page
Ffirst page
Llast page
Dshow items marked for deletion
Ushow items not marked for deletion (normal mode)
Atoggle autopaging on/off